Tuesday, 22 May 2018 11:32

Deyi Secondary - May 2018

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The group from Deyi Secondary school in Singapore raised funds to bring 25 students and 5 teachers to our Rai Som project. The team helped to improve the grounds, buildings, and learning environment of the school where we already have 126 students registered.

The students did a fantastic job, surpassing our expectations and impressing us with their dedication and diligence. Not only did they manage to finish all the work we set them, they also found time to play with the children during breaks (breaks which many were reluctant to take because they were focused on finishing the work!).

This was Deyi Secondary's first project with us, although the lead teacher has previously brought teams when he worked with another Singapore school. Thank you and well done, Deyi Secondary school!



Additional Info

  • Group name: Deyi Secondary School
  • Start date: Wednesday, 23 May 2018
  • End date: Sunday, 27 May 2018
  • Members: 30
  • Project location(s): Rai Som eco-School
  • Project work: Includes: concreting a path from class to toilet block; laying floor tiles in class; building sink block for washing hands and cleaning teeth; removing old roof tiles; improving school grounds
Read 617 times Last modified on Tuesday, 19 June 2018 14:59
Dave Root

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