General donation

Thank you for your interest in donating to our school. The main overheads for the school are the cost of lunches for the students. At the time of opening, the school's monthly lunch bill stood at nearly 60,000 THB, which will rise to a minimum of 132,000 THB per month once we are running at full capacity.

If you would like to donate to help reduce this overhead, please select the donation amount from the dropdown menu and proceed with the Paypal payment process.

The amounts shown below are the approximate cost per child. For instance, donating 500 THB will cover the lunch bill for 1 child for 1 month.

Kindergarten lasts for 3 years, Primary school for 6 years, and the maximum donation is for the total number of years a child could be at the school - 9 years. This does not include the childcare centre.

Please select the donation amount

If you would like to donate a different amount, or using a different method (eg bank transfer), please contact us directly so that we can advise you.


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